Inspiring people

to see more, learn more,
and look forward to tomorrow

Gabriela-Elena MECH (pen name for Gabriela-Elena Dura) is a Leadership & Team Coach and Mentor, and also an Author.

Her work is aimed at promoting lifelong learning and guiding people who wish to improve their lives, towards the outcome they desire.

Gabriela is actively designing and delivering dedicated long range Programs on Self-Development for those companies that are willing to bring satisfaction and performance to the benefit of both the company and their employees.

More than 20 years spent in management positions in marketing & communications within big companies and multinationals helped her get a good understanding of the corporate world, their needs and the gaps, and stimulated her interest in Coaching and Leadership.

Her book, IN THE JAPANESE GARDEN – An Inspiring Journey towards Joy and Happiness (În Grădina Japoneză – Conversații inspiraționale de Coaching și Mentorat), is a modern fable addressing challenges that people like you are facing nowadays, and offering inspiring approaches.

How is she different as a coach?
- good understanding of big companies and the corporate world – her experience as an employee includes companies like Vodafone Romania, UPC Romania, Astral Telecom
- logical and well-structured mind – the BA in Mathematics stands as a proof for her ability to connecting the dots
- eager to inspire you with the load of stories she put together during her own journey

She is faithful to her own commitment to kindness, authenticity, respect and building win-win relationships.

Through helping people raise self-awareness, self-knowledge and the awareness of the impact we each have on others, Gabriela aims to create a happier and more connected world around us.
She is a continuous learner, dedicated to growth and transformation.

She resides in Bucharest, Romania.



BWFR Leadership Program

Since 2017 she is part of the Management team of BWFR Leadership Program (, where she contributed as a volunteer to laying the foundations, designing and actively developing this one-year leadership program - dedicated to enabling women entrepreneurs & managers developing their leadership skills. She also serves as a Coach, Facilitator and Speaker for this program.
BWFR is an active business women community counting more than7.000 members, and the Leadership Program already provided several classes of alumni.

Inspiring Talks CLUB

We meet monthly with people from top management in different companies, who come together in an intimate environment, in small groups, to share the challenges they face and their vulnerabilities, and enrich themselves with the other guests' valuable perspectives.

The discussion, guided and facilitated by Gabriela, approaches topics that are not only important and helpful for leaders, but most often they are being avoided in the circles of power.

What participants say about these meetings?
“It was such a special experience, that I can't wait to repeat it!”
“A wonderful evening with an authentic vibe. Thank you and I can't wait for the next editions.”


Wise Leadership Works
to feed your mind

WHAT: Gabriela and her coaching partner, Ermil Diaconescu, designed together WISE LEADERSHIP WORKS program, based on group coaching and with a focus on increasing awareness and sharing experiences between fellow leaders who are facing similar challenges. This is a modular learning program, dedicated to leaders who understand the importance of continuous learning and addressing all companies that are willing to invest in such leaders!

: develop leadership skills by increasing own awareness & learning from other experienced leaders

BENEFITS: By attending the Wise Leadership Works Program, you will benefit of the presence of two experienced coaches, with lots of years of practice in coaching leaders from corporations, but also from small to big companies.
- More than that, you will also benefit from the experiences and perspectives shared by our Special Guests - top leaders active now in big corporations, who join us as Mentors.
- We will support you by offering this safe environment where you can speak up your mind, where you are understood, listened to, and guided.
- You get an opportunity to enrich yourself with the valuable perspectives of other fellow leaders who encountered challenges similar with yours! You will be learning from people who have been there already, or facing the same difficulties as you are.
- This is also great opportunity to grow your professional network and find new friends.

PROGRAM DURATION: 2 Modules x 6 months
Each module includes:
- 6 group meetings x 2.5 h - one meeting every month
- 2 individual coaching sessions online x1h - per each attendant


Module 1 - Myself as a Leader
•       Leadership Attitude, who am I and how do I “Show up”?
•       Navigating Stressful Situations
•       The Power of Authentic Communication
•       Decision Making
•       Think Comprehensively
•       Develop a Strategy

Module 2 - Successful Leadership
•       Engaging Employees
•       Leading Change
•       Improving Collaboration
•       Strengthening Relationships
•       How to Resolve Unproductive Conflict
•       Successful Impact Conversations

Enroll NOW to attend the October OFFLINE edition, in Bucharest!

The price for one attendant is Eur 1.100 for each module.
Book your seat for Module 1, before September 20 and get 10% discount!
Payment to be made in a bank account, based on contract and invoice; you will be provided with more information about this by email, after your registration.
Please complete the Registration Form below and we will contact you for further details.

When we meet?
Once a month, Mondays between 9:30-12:00 or 18:00-20:30
Module 1: October 2024 - March 2025
Module 2: April - September 2025
The exact timing to be released soon.

: the location in Bucharest will be released after registration

We are here for you and looking forward to welcoming you to this new learning experience!
Send a message at with your contacts and we will call you back for details.

Self-Mastery Academy

Dedicated long range Programs on Self-Development especially designed for those companies that are willing to bring satisfaction and performance to the benefit of both the company and their employees.
You are welcome to contact Gabriela for your projects. She will provide you with customized learning programs for you and your team, based on integrating your Self-Discovery Journey with Developing the Skills you need to accomplish the desired outcome.

The Programs integrate Self-Discovery –by means of introspective tools and 1to1 coaching – with Developing Soft Skills - during workshops and other interactive learning sessions - providing people with the tools to increase satisfaction and improve performance, both in their private and business lives. They are offered both open - bringing together attendants from different companies, and closed - designed for the specific needs of your company. The Learning Programs Portfolio includes attractive Workshops and interactive Learning meetings, addressing topics like (but not only):
- Leading Self
- The Power of Positive Thinking
- Entrepreneurial Spirit in Organizations
- Efficient Communication
- Change- The Way to Success
- Storytelling for Leaders.

One of the most valuable additional benefits of these programs is given by the emphasis on work-life integration, and consists of helping those who attend to get a more harmonious life overall.

Coaching & Mentoring

Private, Team & Group sessions will help you see more by getting new perspectives, understand more about yourself and those around, and enhance capabilities and results by focusing on strengths.The efficiency of these sessions leverages on more than 1000 hours of coaching practice with leaders in corporations, entrepreneurs and employees. Also, over 20 years of experience in management positions with large and multinational companies, in Marketing Communications, provided Gabriela with the chance to understand the needs and the gaps of such organizations, practice Coaching on the job and see the benefits of this managing by coaching approach.

How to write a Book

Sharing her personal tools and insights as an Author. Learn from someone who took all the steps of writing and publishing a book, and learned from own experience.
You will have a chance to refine your storytelling skills, identify how to best structure your own book, and also how to write it. Then, you will discover how your book will help you position yourself as an authority in your field of expertise.


In the Japanese Garden

An Inspiring Journey Towards Joy and Happiness

“Quality relationships make us happy and it is within our power to build them and take care of them. This means that our happiness depends on ourselves as individuals and the extent to which we manage to build quality relationships. When we come to realize that building beautiful relationships will be to our benefit, the benefit of all of us, we will understand that working for this is quite a responsibility.”

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Available on Amazon

Contact Gabriela for your Projects

Find out more about how she can contribute to helping you get the outcome you desire.


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